pp108 : Send Message Event

Send Message Event

This topic describes the usage of Send Message Intermediate Event.

Send Message Intermediate Event is a BPMN construct and is used to send a message from the process to the other. A Send Message Intermediate Event can be used to synchronize the sub-process with another process if the Wait till Sub Process is finished option is not flagged for the independent sub-process. If this option is not selected, then the parent process or the specified process continues irrespective of an incomplete sub-process. After some activities, some information/data may have to be sent to the process that has been specified to receive the intermediate message. So, a Receive Message Intermediate Event is modeled in that process, which picks up the message from the Send Message event construct in the independent sub-process. The Receive Message Intermediate Event in that particular process should have the same message name linked as the one linked in the Send Message Intermediate Event in the independent sub-process.

The message to be sent can be linked to the Send Message event by dragging a process-specific message or activity messages from the project content tree in Workspace Documents and dropping it on the Send Message event in the Independent Sub Process and/or the Receive Message in the parent process.

Refer Send Message Intermediate Event properties, for details as to what can be configured.

Related tasks

Setting the Properties of a Send Message Event